Yes I know I haven't posted in a while. Guess I have been just waiting for something exciting to happen in my life. Well with the economy going into the crapper, my hours at work have been cut but at least I still have a job. I just keep telling myself that I work for a company that went thru the Depression, they have been around since 1914. So I just hope that they know what they are doing and hopefully won't have to file for bankruptcy. Besides that, I got a great tax return this year and was able to pay off one of my credit cards. Nice to get myself somewhat out of debt. Also I now finally own a Nintendo DS that I have been wanting for like the couple of years. My awesome friend Joe just gave me his for free cause he just didn't play it. Now I play with it most every day. So far I have 4 games for it, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Brain Age and Personal Training: Cooking. If anyone is interested in it, I highly recommend the DS. Great little system! Other than that, life has been good in MN (despite some crisises i really can't talk about). I have started to convert our VHS to DVD. Thanks to my work for letting me borrow a converter in order to be able to do that. (Does it sound like i am babbling?) Well anyway, I guess the biggest news is my new nephew. Harland James Dombrowski, i love that name. He is so adorable and I can't wait to get my hands on that little guy! Here are a couple of my fave pics:

I love love this picture. I think it's so cute.

This has got to be the cutest picture ever. I love it!
Well look forward to future posts! I am going to do more posting from now on!
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