I seriously love being an aunt to both my nephews and my niece. I had the greatest and funnest weekend with them. Spencer is so cute and Ally is beyond adorable. And Harland is a cute little baby. Gotta love his little smile. Considering we didn't do a whole lot but just hung around the house, it still was fun and relaxing. It was fun to watch the kidlets play and see Spencer get entranced by that Sesame Street TV thing. That was too funny. Silly kid. They got some great presents for Easter and their birthdays. I also got some great stuff but it was way more fun watching Spencer take his eggs that he found and rehide them. He loved that game and thought it was hysterical. It was totally awesome! Well here are some pics! Will add a slideshow soon.
Spencer and his daddy....I love this picture

Cute little harland in his easter outfit...it's so adorable!

Spencer and his lovies...he is so cute!!

Our easter baskets

Awwww....spencer looks even cuter when he is sleeping....

Love love this picture...i had great luck!

Love this one of Spencer...totally adorable!